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OCCA Communities Association celebrates job training program for newcomers

A cohort of a dozen immigrants and newcomers are now equipped with the skills they need to enter the Central Okanagan workforce.

They are the third graduating class of the OCCA Communities Association Job Connect for Future program. The 12 graduates were celebrated at a ceremony at Grizzli Winery in West Kelowna on Saturday, Nov. 16.

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‘Thrilled by the success’: OCCA hosts Mid-Autumn Festival in West Kelowna

The event took place at Grizzli Winery on Saturday, Sept. 14

The Okanagan Chinese Canadian Association (OCCA) hosted a successful Mid-Autumn Festival in West Kelowna.

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Parliamentary secretary’s statement on Anti-Racism Awareness Week

Mable Elmore, Parliamentary Secretary for Anti-Racism Initiatives, has released the following statement in recognition of Anti-Racism Awareness Week, May 27-June 2, 2024:

“Today marks the start of Anti-Racism Awareness Week in B.C., an opportunity to reflect on the ongoing legacy of racism in our society and our continued commitment to fight it.

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Celebrate Asian Heritage Month in Kelowna

The opening event for Asian Heritage Month was held at the Rotary Centre for the Arts on May 4.

Hosted by by OCCA Communities Association and supported by UBC Okanagan and Okanagan College, the event celebrated cultural diversity and emphasized community involvement.

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Your Voice: Kelowna’s lost Chinatown should remind us to protect our heritage

I am very concerned that the blanket housing regulations related to single family homes (Bill 44) will have a major impact on the Abbott Street and Marshall Street Heritage Conservation Areas (HCAs). In this era of rapid expansion, it holds significant meaning to reflect on the lost legacy of Chinatown and not have the same thing happen to Kelowna’s heritage conservation areas. (The OCCA Communities Association board of directors has accepted the resignation of Mr. Renxian Tan, effective July 9, 2024. The board sincerely thanks Mr. Tan for his contributions as board members from January 4, 2024 to July 9, 2024. We wish Mr. Tan all the best in his future endeavour and look forward to future collaborations for mutual benefit.)

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