Help Line

Mission & Vision & Values




Our mission is to promote mutual understanding, respect, acceptance, and harmony among the diverse communities of the Central Okanagan. We empower immigrants and refugees by meeting their essential needs and providing opportunities to engage fully in all aspects of community life, from civic participation to cultural exchange and economic inclusion.




We envision a vibrant and equitable society where people of all backgrounds thrive together. In this future, immigrants, refugees, and equity-deserving groups are valued as essential contributors, meaningfully engaged in creating sustainable, interconnected communities that reflect our region’s diversity and shared humanity.




Mutual Understanding

We foster intercultural understanding through community events, educational programs, and dialogue that celebrate diversity and challenge stereotypes.
Impact: Diverse communities collaborate and build bridges of respect, trust, and friendship, promoting long-term social cohesion.



We create inclusive spaces that welcome individuals of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds, fostering intergenerational connections and meaningful communication.
Impact: All members feel welcomed, valued, and supported, resulting in a harmonious and inclusive environment where everyone can contribute.



We recognize and celebrate the skills, talents, and contributions of immigrants, refugees, and newcomers, offering services that nurture belonging and enhance their ability to succeed.
Impact: Immigrants are fully integrated into the economy and society, recognized as vital contributors to our community’s growth and well-being.



We equip individuals with resources to overcome challenges—whether finding employment, securing housing, or adapting to new environments—so they can build fulfilling, stable lives.
Impact: Newcomers thrive despite challenges, contributing to a resilient, adaptive community that is prepared to meet future needs.



We empower immigrants and newcomers to actively participate in civic, social, and economic life through volunteerism, democratic involvement, and cultural exchange. Our welcoming community space serves as a hub for these activities, offering a physical place for connection, learning, and shared experiences.
Impact: Immigrants and refugees develop a strong connection to Canadian society, becoming active agents of positive change within their communities and fostering a vibrant, inclusive environment for all.



We celebrate the region’s cultural diversity by promoting awareness of multicultural traditions, events, and practices, inspiring cross-cultural learning and appreciation.
Impact: Newcomers and Canadian-born residents engage in mutual learning, fostering deeper understanding and respect for one another’s cultural heritage.